I am Scotty Travers. I have a passion for Email Marketing, Graphic Design, and Web Design.
I specialize in combining design principles with email marketing and social media to succeed with optimal results.

Enthusiastic about life, design, and innovation.

Who Am I

I’m a 50 year old with over 11 years of email marketing and design experience. I am from a small town in Massachusetts, now calling Clearwater, Florida my home since 2005. I enjoy travel to beautiful places that nature still holds to be sacred, my love of the weather, and spending time with my family.
I love making new friends and sharing life’s experiences in good conversation.

Building Relationships Through Design

Through research, I make sure that my designs fully match the client’s needs, concepts, branding, and target audience, while still embodying creativity, simplicity, and innovation. Then I use that design to reach out to consumers and clients to convey a engaging and inviting message.

I love making stunning email designs and Photoshop is practically my second home. I enjoy being creative in other aspects of my life as well.

  • Photography and video to communicate and support a strong message
  • Attention to detail in regards to brand standards and identity
  • The right font to set the theme and convey a clear message
  • Keep it simple so that the communication is easy to deliver
  • Use the latest software to send your message, ensuring maximum outreach to your target audience



Using the latest tools to create exciting designs through imagery, typography, color, and styling.


Create a stunning website to showcase products and services or to tell a story about ones accomplishments.


Adhering to the principles of branding and brand standards to ensure a strong, remarkable, and long lasting identity.

Email Marketing

Digital delivery with the purpose of enhancing the relationship with current or prospective customers and to encourage customer loyalty and repeat business.

My Work


Scott Travers Resume

Select the icon above to download and view my resume.